The Real Cause of Autism

organic foodMy friend Kit Stolz, who writes a great blog having to do with climate change (, sent me the following link, which I really love:

It clearly demonstrates the real cause of autism, and deals with the issue of causality versus correlation, which as those of you who have been reading my blog posts for a while will know, is one of my favorite topics. The comments on this very short piece are almost as entertaining as the piece itself.

2 thoughts on “The Real Cause of Autism

  1. Thanks Ira for this. I have had similar problems with Ilona having CFIDS. Especially all the helpful “cures” that have been offered. One of my favorite responses is “I’m tired all the time too.” or “I used to have CFIDS but recovered.” The guilt that gets heaped on is amazing. The immune non-function has now caused Crohn’s Disease. Just what she needs, another chronic illness. I have got the influx of helpful “cures” yet or the comments that let you know you would not have this illness if you were a better person.
    Love your graph. Kathy

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